Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Getting Ready for Lambing

That time of the year again.  My ewes all in their shed waiting the arrival of their lambs.  Hopefully we will have a few by this time next week.  I will be glad when we get started and even happier when it is all over.   The girls seem content in their house.  I took this first thing in the morning so they are all waiting for their breakfast.   I may say feeding them is quite a performance as they sweep me off my feet.   As they lamb they get moved out of the shed into a 'lamb pod' so that there is no miss mothering and when the lambs are strong enough I let them out in the paddock close to the yard where I can keep an eye on them

Monday, 4 March 2013

Marigold Hand Dyed Wensleydale Locks

The latest of my hand dyed Wensleydale Locks.  These have been washed in Eco friendly wash up liquid and then dye with Landscape non acid dyes.  I have called the colour way Marigold ( not after the gloves but after the flower )  They are up to 10 inches long and separated from the fleece so there should be very little waste.
I have them listed on Etsy